Beyond Basics is an international leader in pelvic floor physical therapy located in Midtown and Downtown Manhattan. Since 2003, we have helped thousands of people recover from a broad range of conditions rooted in pelvic floor dysfunction. We create individualized treatment plans that relieve pain, improve function, and prevent unnecessary surgery, while providing comprehensive support to help you on your journey to recovery.

Want to find out if physical therapy can treat your condition? Give us a call and talk to one of our expert therapists free of charge for 15 minutes. 

Sign Up for a 15 Minute Free Consultation With One Of Our Doctors of Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy

A focus on pelvic health

You may feel like you have to live with pelvic dysfunction or pain. But you don’t. Pelvic floor physical therapy (PT) can help treat the underlying causes of your symptoms for long-term relief.

Pelvic floor PT is a specialty within physical therapy. Our experts have all received the necessary training and certifications to understand, identify, and effectively treat pelvic conditions.
Pelvic Health

Trained to treat pain and dysfunction wherever you feel it

We work with patients from all walks of life, in every phase of life. Whether it’s pelvic pain or an orthopedic injury, with Beyond Basics you’re not alone, and you can heal.

Pelvic Pain

Back and hip pain

Our PTs have a musculoskeletal background and a broad range of experience dealing with all conditions affecting the back and the hips. Our specialty training in pelvic health helps us identify pelvic floor muscle conditions that could lead to injury or pain in other parts of the body.

Pelvic Pain Dysfunction


Our PTs can help alleviate your menopausal symptoms through a variety of pelvic floor physical therapy treatments and exercises.

Incontinence and constipation

Incontinence and constipation

Bowel and bladder dysfunction are common, disruptive and impact your quality of life. Pelvic floor PT can help and give you relief.

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain and bloating

You may be surprised to learn that pelvic floor PT can relieve abdominal pain and discomfort. Our PTs are trained to diagnose and treat these conditions.

Sexual Pain

Sexual pain and dysfunction

Many people experience pain and discomfort during sexual activity. Our PTs employ a broad range of treatments to ease your pain and restore this vital area of your life.



Physical therapy can help relieve the pain, sexual dysfunction, bladder and gastrointestinal symptoms associated with endometriosis.

Pediatric Health

Pediatric bladder and bowel issues

When pelvic floor muscles are too weak or too tight, they can cause accidents, tummy troubles, and bed-wetting. Pelvic floor PT is a gentle way to help children get past these issues.


Lymphatic Drainage

If you have swelling and pain in your arms, legs and pelvis, PT can help by unblocking the lymphatic flow and alleviating your discomfort.

Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy and post-pregnancy care

Becoming pregnant changes your life. It also changes your body. Pelvic floor PT can help you through your pregnancy and your recovery.

The way PT

You’re a whole person. We treat you that way

The way PT
should be

We take time to understand everything that’s going on inside your body, so we can get to the root cause of the issue – and get you real, lasting relief. 

Your Session

Your session is personal. We keep it that way.

The way PT
should be

We see patients in private, 1-on-1, hour-long sessions. You’ll work directly with your PT for your entire treatment journey. 

Leading Means Learning

Leading means learning. We like it that way.

The way PT
should be

Our therapists devote time every week to continuing education so we can offer our patients the most current, comprehensive orthopedic and pelvic floor PT. 

“At first, I was confused. I could not understand how a physical therapist could help with my increasingly painful and uncomfortable bladder problems. But when I went home, I felt so much better.”

Read more from our patients

“Six months after a laparotomy due to endometriosis, the doctor wanted to send me for surgery again. Another doctor told me that the pain could be due to scar tissue from surgery. Not wanting surgery after surgery, I looked for other alternatives. In Beyond Basics, I finally found the answer”

Read more from our patients

“After my very first session I felt almost total relief. After a few more sessions, not only did I feel complete relief, I am better than ever before.”

Read more from our patients

“Instead of numbing my pain with medication, physical therapy with Beyond Basics has fixed my pain.”

Read more from our patients

“I continued my PT treatments once a week up into my third trimester. Along with these treatments, my therapist devised an exercise program for me to do at home. It let me keep my muscles intact through the pregnancy. They definitely helped! After giving birth, my symptoms are 90 percent improved.”

Read more from our patients

We make payment less painful

We offer payment plans and work with many insurance plans as an out-of-network provider. Our billing support staff can walk you through everything you need to know and will submit all billing to insurance on your behalf.

We also offer interest-free financing and discounted package rates through Care Credit.

Call us to learn more: 212.354.2622, text us: 212.354.2622 or email us: [email protected]

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Learn more about pelvic health by exploring our blog.

Stay updated about our seminars and access other educational resources here.

Pessaries 101

Pessaries 101

Whether you have been prescribed a pessary and need to learn more OR if you have happened to...

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Beyond Basics in the media

Take a look at our appearances in these top media venues.

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wisdom In Beauty
OZ Show
Thrive global
Good Morning
Abc News
Daily Candid
Amy Physical Therapist

Behind the movement

“I talk about the pelvic floor all the time. As one of the pioneer physical therapists specializing in pelvic floor dysfunction, I have been treating patients afflicted with these disorders for over twenty years. I have seen how the exercises and therapies I prescribe — breathing, relaxing, strengthening, stretching, toning, diet — don’t just heal the disorders but can prevent them from occurring in the first place. At the same time, these exercises and therapies can ward off the effects of aging while enhancing patients’ lives immeasurably.”

Amy Stein


Corey Hazama

Dr. Corey Hazama(She/Her)


Dr. Eliza Etter(She/Her)

Makela Spielman

Dr. Makela Spielman(She/Her)


Dr. Rachel Clausen(She/Her)

Vivian Zhang

Dr. Vivian Zhang(She/Her)


Pelvic Floor Therapy NYC

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does pelvic floor physical therapy take?
It depends on the patient and how long they have had the symptoms/condition for, how many other related systems are involved if there are any other contributing factors, like allergies and dietary restrictions, or any other injuries. Obviously, the more complex the case is, the longer it may take. For example, a patient who has had pain for 2 years, a hip labral tear, a herniated disc, pelvic pain, constipation, a high-stress job, and nutritional deficits, versus a patient who fell on their tailbone a week ago and is in today for coccyx pain with no other conditions.
Does insurance cover pelvic floor therapy?
The majority do. Our office accepts most insurances out of network and will file a claim on behalf of the patient. For more details on your own insurance and what it offers, you can talk to our billing manager/department. We are here for you and can give you a better understanding of what will be covered.
What does a pelvic floor physiotherapist do?
Everything that a regular physical therapist does and more. We are experts in the musculoskeletal system, which includes all the bones, muscles, and joints in the body along with the structures that work with them, such as your nerves, organs, and arteries. We utilize a lot of different techniques to address identified restrictions within this system to promote more optimal function so that you can move better and lift heavier, but also stop having pain and other symptoms. We guide you through proper positioning, posture, relaxation techniques, home exercise, and pain management strategies, but since we are pelvic health specialists, we also dive deep into education on pain science, nutrition, toileting, bowel, and bladder health, as well as can discuss the physical aspects of sexual function and how to improve that.
What exercises are bad for the pelvic floor?

While in rehabilitation, there are some activities that may be too much right now for the pelvic floor and can overwhelm the system. The strength, flexibility, and endurance have to be increased to be able to handle harder tasks. Anything that causes pain, bladder leaking, causes you to hold your breath and strain, or forces you to compensate or lose form, could be detrimental to your rehab progress. Pelvic floor exercises and Kegels are appropriate in only certain conditions of pure weakness and sometimes are overutilized. In most cases, these exercises can aggravate pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction conditions.

Can you massage pelvic floor muscles?
Yes, but we prefer to use the word manual therapy rather than massage. Our physical therapists perform soft tissue mobilization and trigger point release or myofascial release to the pelvic floor muscles. Muscles are muscles, so increasing the blood flow, decreasing the myofascial restrictions, and decreasing the spasm/tone are all addressed through manual techniques to these specific muscles. It does typically require an internal vaginal or internal rectal approach because that is where the muscles live. The muscles surround the urethra, bladder, anorectal and genital regions; therefore, if there are restrictions or issues in the surrounding muscles, nerves, or organs it can cause pelvic floor dysfunction, including bladder and bowel problems, sexual dysfunction and abdomino-pelvic pain.
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