Go beyond physical therapy
The experts at Beyond Basics are able to help heal you and bring you back to full strength, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and continuing to educate yourself on your condition is very important. As a way to help you heal and stay well, we provide resources and support to help you learn, self-heal, and thrive.

From Beyond Basics
Featuring Beyond Basics
“Conscious Talk” Podcast with Amy Stein
Dr. Oz: Exercises to Relieve Pelvic Pain videoclip featuring Amy Stein; Pelvic Pain Questionnaire developed by Amy Stein
ABC 20/20
2019 Pelvic Health Summit: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, an overview with Amy Stein, DPT
Apple Podcast: Episode #34 “Pelvic Pain Explained” with Dr. Amy Stein
Medium Magazine: “sHeroes – Helping patients reclaim their lives with endometriosis.”
Thrive Global: “sHeroes: Dr. Iris Orbuch and Dr. Amy Stein are helping patients with endometriosis.”
Wisdom in Beauty: World-renowned Pelvic Specialist on their new book “Beating Endo”
Daily Candid News “Beating Endo: How to Reclaim your life from Endometriosis”
Amy Stein on Good Morning LaLa Land on her book “Beating Endo”
Beyond Your Wildest Genes: How to reclaim your life from endometriosis, part 2
Business Mogul: Helping women reclaim their lives from endometriosis, page 16-17
SWAAY: Overcoming loneliness as a business owner
Prevention: Pelvic Pain
Prevention: Why it hurts down there
Prevention: Incontinence
Elle: “Let Who Put What Where? Finding a Cure for Pelvic Pain.” Article featuring Amy Stein
Runner’s World: Amy Stein on importance for runners of strengthening pelvic floor muscles